For your organization to plan effectively in both the short and long term, you need to understand the lifecycle of your systems. When were systems implemented, when will they be retired, and what are they being replaced with. When collecting this information it is important to have clear lines of responsibility between the systems and people within your organization that own them.



  • Who owns the critical systems in the organization and the related components?
  • Which applications are being retired and which implemented?
  • Are plans around the replacements/migrations in place?
  • What will my application landscape look like in 6 months / 1 year / 5 years?
  • Do all of my applications have clear ownership and are experts known?
  • Where are all my applications located (On-Prem & SaaS)?
  • Who uses the applications within my organization, who is impacted if something goes down?


Enterprise Architecture Helping in Transparancy and Transformations Sample organization

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